With tools and resources you CAN!

Choose the service right for you


Individual Therapy

You’ve noticed you’re just not functioning at the same level lately. Perhaps you or your teen are wrestling with discouragement, depression, or anxiety. Even things that used to be enjoyed feel uninspiring. You’re a resourceful person, and you’ve tried quite a few things, but you’re feeling stuck. It may be time to seek some additional resources for your or your teens mental health toolbox. It is possible to feel differently. Sometimes it can help to draw on one’s faith, process feelings, find new ways of thinking and relating to others, or develop new strategies to manage your challenges. Let’s talk about what goals you or your teen would like to achieve and begin the journey to what matters.

50 mins |  $130  


Play Therapy

Children have a difficult time simply sitting and talking about their feelings and experiences. This is why therapy for a child should not look like therapy for an adult. Children often find it easier to project their feelings onto a toy rather than express them directly. In your child’s counseling experience, toys and play become the words and language through which the therapeutic process takes place. Play therapy may make you think of fun and games, but therapeutic play is not the same. It is a way for kids to “play out” significant experiences or needs in a safe, child-friendly environment with a caring and highly trained professional. This can result in expanding coping skills and facing challenges, expressing feelings productively, and increasing self esteem and cooperation within the family.

50 mins |  $130  


Couples Therapy

It is really tough when being together is lonelier than being alone, and sharp words and arguments seem like a daily routine. Sometimes so much hurt, pain and miscommunication has happened, you wonder where things can go from here. Maybe you’re feeling exhausted and stuck and it’s time for new resources. You and your spouse can learn new ways of relating, living, and loving and rebuild the heart-to-heart bond you once had and work on healing hurts between you. We’ll work to explore existing patterns, help you understand your spouse from a new lens, and develop a completely new way of communicating. Give yourself the chance to rediscover your relationship and intimacy.

50 mins -  $130 || 80 mins - $180 


Parenting Support

Parenting itself can be tough, and there are seasons when the task becomes even tougher. Often transitions such as births, losses, moves, and divorces can produce distress for a child or teen. Parenting support can equip caregivers to help their child or adolescent face these complexities and can be an especially vital resource for adoptive or fostering families who may be caring for a child who has previously experienced abuse or neglect. Coaching helps loving parents to expand their strengths, enhance the connection to their child, and activate the child’s resilience and faith. Maybe a few new strategies or tools in your parenting toolbox would help. Together we can assess your strengths and develop a plan to meet your goals and up your parenting game.

50 mins |  $130

Family Therapy

When the whole family is impacted, family therapy can be the best option to restore harmony and joy. Family therapy is often about learning to see things from others’ perspectives, identifying patterned behaviors that keep us stuck, and finding new ways of communicating and interacting that prioritize each person’s needs and life stage.

50 mins - $130 | 80 mins - $180 

Group Therapy

Group therapy is designed for helping you learn new skills, process common experiences, and build social support that can give you momentum to take steps that will make a difference in your life. Meaningful support and social connection have been shown to reduce depression and anxiety and improve outcomes. Groups are topic based, skills focused, and time limited.

90 mins |  $75  

Strengthening your bonds really can change your life.

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